Label Me Bigender

Labels, labels, fucking labels. I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with labels. On one hand, labels helped me feel less alone as a lesbian woman. On the other hand, it also made me feel pigeonholed and typecast. Let’s see if I can explain this…… Growing up the majority of my friends resembled someone. I hadContinue reading “Label Me Bigender”

Baby, I’m Yours!

Ah yes, Valentine’s Day. The time of the year when people profess their love with heart shaped chocolate boxes, stuffed teddy bears, Hallmark cards, flowers, candlelight dinners, sexy underwear, expensive jewelry, and maybe even a romantic getaway. Some people love it. Some people hate it. Some people get angry about it. Some people have funContinue reading “Baby, I’m Yours!”

True Romantic

From as far back as eleven years old the most important thing to me was — love. I developed my first same-sex crush at this age on Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing. Sure, I thought Patrick Swayze was cute, but more in an admiration sort of way. I wanted to be Johnny — the objectContinue reading “True Romantic”

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