What Being Bigender Means to Me!

I would like to discuss in further detail what being bigender means to ME. Basically, I identify as both man and woman energetically. Someone who rejects the binary of male and female. The cool thing about being bigender, for me anyway, is that I have two distinct gender identities simultaneously (others many vary between theContinue reading “What Being Bigender Means to Me!”

Body Dysmorphia

Body dysmorphia – People with this disorder may frequently examine their appearance in a mirror, constantly compare their appearance with that of others, and avoid social situations or photos. I love taking photos. I hate photos taken of me. I don’t just hate photos/videos taken of me, I have a legit panic attack and willContinue reading “Body Dysmorphia”

Rock Staaaah

The first album I ever owned was Sean Cassidy’s Born Late which came out in 1977. I was only 1 years old then, so this album was a bit old when I started listening to it at age four in 1981. I believe Sean Cassidy may have been my first crush too….lol. I use toContinue reading “Rock Staaaah”

True Romantic

From as far back as eleven years old the most important thing to me was — love. I developed my first same-sex crush at this age on Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing. Sure, I thought Patrick Swayze was cute, but more in an admiration sort of way. I wanted to be Johnny — the objectContinue reading “True Romantic”

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