It Drives Me Wild

Today I am going to write from more of my masculine side and talk about all the things that women do (especially my girlfriend), that drive a bigender/boi/butch lesbian – such as myself – wild. There is this beautiful fusion that happens between masculine women and the feminine women who love them. Butch/femme dynamic IContinue reading “It Drives Me Wild”

Free Verse at 3:53 AM

In this moment I feel like the captain of a ship, watching my lights flickering as the wind churns outside. For as furious as the wind blows I am steady at the helm. I think. Sure, my eyes are stinging from exhaustion but my mind is as awake as an alpine swift. Harry Styles isContinue reading “Free Verse at 3:53 AM”

I’m in L.O.V.E.

Love. The emotion that makes life worthwhile. At least for me. It seems like I have been on this quest to find “my person” forever. Well, at least the past 33 years. I first became conscious of love at age 11. I developed my first same sex crush and it lasted for many years. IContinue reading “I’m in L.O.V.E.”

What Being Bigender Means to Me!

I would like to discuss in further detail what being bigender means to ME. Basically, I identify as both man and woman energetically. Someone who rejects the binary of male and female. The cool thing about being bigender, for me anyway, is that I have two distinct gender identities simultaneously (others many vary between theContinue reading “What Being Bigender Means to Me!”

For The Love of Music

As far back as I can remember, music has always been an important part of my life. Both my parents loved music, so it was always on growing up. When I was a child my mother got just as involved with my favorite “teen idols.” She took my best friend and I to see TiffanyContinue reading “For The Love of Music”

Body Dysmorphia

Body dysmorphia – People with this disorder may frequently examine their appearance in a mirror, constantly compare their appearance with that of others, and avoid social situations or photos. I love taking photos. I hate photos taken of me. I don’t just hate photos/videos taken of me, I have a legit panic attack and willContinue reading “Body Dysmorphia”

Indigo Girls

It is 3:39 AM and I should be sleeping, but alas I am wide awake. This has been a regular occurrence since Covid, well, changed the world a year ago! However, as much I will regret not sleeping now in a few hours, I am grateful to have this time to not only catch upContinue reading “Indigo Girls”

Kindred Spirits

kin·dred spir·it/ˈkindrid ˈspirit/nounplural noun | a person whose interests or attitudes are similar to one’s own. com·pat·i·bil·i·ty/kəmˌpadəˈbilədē | a state in which two things are able to exist or occur together without problems or conflict. Compatibility in relationships exists when a couple relates with equality and respect. Unfortunately many people pick partners for unconscious reasonsContinue reading “Kindred Spirits”

Baby, I’m Yours!

Ah yes, Valentine’s Day. The time of the year when people profess their love with heart shaped chocolate boxes, stuffed teddy bears, Hallmark cards, flowers, candlelight dinners, sexy underwear, expensive jewelry, and maybe even a romantic getaway. Some people love it. Some people hate it. Some people get angry about it. Some people have funContinue reading “Baby, I’m Yours!”

A Nice Cranky Post

Good people. Nice people. Kind people. When you read that what comes to mind? A “goody two shoes”? Someone boring? A pushover? Fake? Annoying? I’m here to tell you that I’m not a goody two shoes. Definitely not boring. Would never be a pushover. I’d like to think I’m one of the most real peopleContinue reading “A Nice Cranky Post”

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