Sexy AF

Sexy. This is not a word I associated with myself for many years. Growing up I was a thin child, a chubby pre-teen, a thin teenager, a heavy 20-something year old, and since my 30’s my weight has been pretty consistent and what I like to call “kinda average” (currently size 14). But sexiness isn’tContinue reading “Sexy AF”

Hair Today – Gone Tomorrow!

I have this habit of putting my headphones on when I am on my computer. For some reason it helps me focus. They aren’t noise canceling headphones, just big, clunky, “recording” headphones you’d find in a music studio. I sit here at my table, with my big headphones on, open up my laptop and enterContinue reading “Hair Today – Gone Tomorrow!”

Just One of the Guys

I owe so much to the guys I deemed as “pretty boys” growing up. While my friends were thumbing through issues of Seventeen Magazine and Cosmo, admiring the pretty women they’d see, I was thumping through celebrity and rock magazines admiring the guys I wanted to emulate. In some compacity I DID have crushes onContinue reading “Just One of the Guys”

Body Dysmorphia

Body dysmorphia – People with this disorder may frequently examine their appearance in a mirror, constantly compare their appearance with that of others, and avoid social situations or photos. I love taking photos. I hate photos taken of me. I don’t just hate photos/videos taken of me, I have a legit panic attack and willContinue reading “Body Dysmorphia”

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